As normal, I awake early and turn off the Anchor Light. There is no reason to hurry as we are at best moving only a few miles. Terri sleeps in a bit but I am surprised that she is fully dressed and mobile by 0800. The plan today is to go for a dinghy ride and then go ashore so Terri can climb the huge rock face. She wants some pictures from the top and is gone in a flash. Smudgie and I are left below to guard the dinghy. When she returns I suggest that she ascend Mt. Benji again so that I can get some pictures of her and Smudge. She does just that and I get some good pictures and then we are off in the dinghy again. We explore the anchorage and Terri takes over 100 pics of the landscape. She is getting quite proficient with the camera and some of them look like they are professional in quality. But we have had enough of the hustle and bustle of the Benjamin’s and must press on. Hotham Island it will be.
As I mentioned before, today’s journey was going to be a short one. We have never had this much time to really appreciate this area before. In the past we have always been in a major hurry to get here or to get out of here. Today’s voyage could have been accompanied in half the time but we opted for the slow journey and arrive at sleepy Hotham Island. In the West Anchorage which we are familiar with there are only two other boats. We pick a spot and drop the hook. Has the height of the season passed already? This place should be much busier than this. Oh well we are not going to complain about that. After a quick lunch, we set out in the dinghy to explore. We head to the East Anchorage to check that out. We have never been there before and I make mental notes on rocks and entrances to the anchorage for Terri and I shall return here someday.
On the way back to the boat Terri directs me to the far western basin of the anchorage. This is where beautiful waterlilies grow and have previously offered themselves to Terri as subjects for her camera lens but back then she had to use the old 35 mm. This time she is not bringing a knife to a gun fight. The Cannon EOS that she has in her holster is equal to the task. But wait holy 35 mm Batman. The lilies, those beautiful flowers are like blue berries, past their prime and now present themselves as a discoloured mushy compost. Not the way it was planned, but the dinghy motor is running like a top. Lol! All is well.
On the return trip from nature’s compost back to the boat I saw a big C&C anchored just off of the waterlilies. The name on it was Destiny XI. Could this be? Of course it was, but I could not do the "circle the wagon" thing as the cowboys and their dingy were off exploring. Get em later says I. We had just arrived back to our boat and I spied the Indians on the horizon. Rick and Connie have returned from their adventures. They make their way back to our boat and we invite them for cocktails at 1700 hrs. Rick is not one to turn down an invitation like that. An hour later they are back bearing gifts and drinks. These guys are awesome and we have a very enjoyable time. They seem like a great couple.
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