0645 I turn on the VHF weather channel. 10 Knots from the south building to 15 by noon. Let’s go Terri says and in a matter of seconds we are mobile. Coffee is made and we slip the dock lines and are cast off by 0730. The morning sky had the look of autumn. We try and discern whether the sun is red or not. It really doesn’t matter because within an hour it is overcast and threatening rain. As we round the last buoy of the bay and head out into Detour Passage the wind picks up and we close the port side pilot house door. Soon I see a ship heading towards us and it seems to be favouring the middle of the channel. I make a very pronounced course alteration to Starboard in order to show the captain my intentions. An hour later my intentions had not been recognized or acknowledged. The more I went to the West side of the channel the more the ship seemed to mirror my course. Hmm, this doesn’t make sense. Has the captain of the Exxon Valdez had his Captains license re-instated? This guy needs a pair of glasses or a strong pot of coffee. Let me see the binoculars again Terri. I focus and see that the ship and the bow waves crashing off of it. But it is dark enough that I should see some kind of navigation lights. Well what to do? Now I know there are some of my friends who might read this and I know that they will second guess me regardless of what I do so…..What did I do? I held my course and waited for events to unfold. Guys, have I peeked your interest? Navigation aboard Terrmar seemed flawless to me but the other vessel still seemed confused. I have squeezed the channel as far as I can. I can’t go any further without fear of running aground. Binoculars one more time please Terri. We are closer now and the vision in the binoculars is easier to see and things come into focus. You guys must really be rooting for us now. But wait and wait again. The ship is a light house and that's all I have to say about that.
The balance of the trip is really a non-event other than a few bigger than average seas on the beam. Terri insists Smudge retire to her bed in the master cabin where she can be alone with her thoughts and shivers. She doesn’t like this poop. Terri and I don’t like it but we have seen much worse. It is going to be only three hours or so and then we will relax. We have arrived and after a beautiful mile or so upstream the anchorage present itself as a peaceful refuge from the raging waters of Lake Huron. This is a huge inland lake that has welcomed us. It is at least a half mile long and we can see only two other boats anchored in the south side which offered coverage to the promised Southerlies. We anchor and as I have not had a morning shower and I know all aboard Terrmar will thank me plunge in. We have an abundance of hot water as the engine has been running and this is our free water heater. Feels so good! After the shower I set to work and start to clean things up or as Terri would say I would help her finish cleaning things up. The rock and roll of a beam sea has rearranged the ship. The couch has moved and of course Terri wants to take this opportunity to clean the floor under it. I don’t mean sweep it she wants to scrub it. “Knock yourself out honey I love you”. Soon we are back to normal and feeling pekish. We had discussed lunch on the trip this morning and we both look forward to last night’s leftovers, Sausage, Kraft Dinner and Toast. So hot and so good and we are rejuvenated.
After lunch Terri sets to work and is determined to set Bell Canada straight. I won’t bore you with the details as am sure you have all your own experiences to recount. Long story short two hours on the phone and little is resolved. It seems AT&T like the Dixie Chicks is not ready to make nice with Bell Canada. Their partnership is like a ?????
We had planned a dinghy ride in to Cedarville which is a couple of miles away just to check things out. But the weather has turned and the wind switched to the North at 20 to 25 knots. This tranquil anchorage was now producing white caps that will mature in out in Lake Huron. We of course have a track set and 100 ft. of chain connected to a mud crazy anchor. We are set and anticipate no problems. We shall pay attention to the developments as they present themselves of course. But we are confident and content.
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