Ahhhhh Sanibel Island!!! Well worth the couple of hours patiently
(well one of us) hovering outside Sanibel Marina in San Carlos Bay waiting for
our reserved dock to become available. It’s
a very busy place, especially at lunch, since this is the only public marina on
the island. Known for its great shelling
beaches, miles of bike paths, fabulous restaurants and not one stop light on
the island (although they might reconsider after observing the traffic jams from
vehicles coming and going from the mainland).
Wonderful day to unpack the bikes and
explore the island with Bonnie and Charlie from Sonata! Off we merrily go, wind in our hair, sun in
our face, with Bonnie leading, ready to make a quick pit stop if any interesting
boutiques cross our path. And….you
guessed it, a boutique was found.
Actually a good compromise, boutique for Bonnie and me and a bike shop
for Charlie and Mark right next door.
Shopping all done, no sign of the guys, hop
on the bikes and away we go…….ahhhhhhhh………crash!!!! What the heck???? In a split second I find myself sprawled in
the gravel of the boutique parking lot. What
happened?? As I dust myself off and pick
myself up with blood trickling down my leg, I notice my bike seat is missing!! Someone has stolen my bike seat!! Who would be so mean as to steal my bike
As the shop owners rushed out they exclaimed that no one ever steals anything on this island, it is unheard of! Great – my lucky day! Where are the guys, anyway? I give Mark a quick call from my cell phone
and he answers, laughing, “Mark’s bike shop, ha-ha.” I explain that some evil person has just
stolen my bike seat causing me to have a nasty fall on the sharp gravel. He answered with a quick “I will be right there.”
As Mark and Charlie saunter over to the
boutique parking lot, I spy a big bike seat in Mark’s hand. Very quietly, so as not to be overheard, he whispers
“I took your bike seat to surprise you with a more comfortable one. Who would be so stupid to get on a bike and
not notice that the seat is missing anyway?”
Are you kidding??? Luckily I didn’t have to answer him because
all the people who gathered in the parking lot were chastising him far better
than I could have. Actually one of the
shop owners whispered in my ear that at our next stop, I should let the air out
of his tires when he was not looking!
So I decided that “discretion is the better
part of valour” and we continued on our bike ride – me with a beautiful new
bike seat and scrapes up and down my arms and legs!
All was forgiven by the evening when we got dressed up and treated ourselves to a wonderful dinner on the town. I can still taste and smell the lobster
As we bid a fond farewell to Sanibel Island
it is also time to say so-long to Bonnie and Charlie as we cruise our separate ways. Mark and I headed to Fort Myers and Bonnie
and Charlie continuing south on their loop.
We had a blast and will fondly recall our lively adventures and
conversations especially at cocktail time.
Bless your hearts Bonnie and Charlie!!
PS…Oh, Mark wants to present his version of
events of that fateful day – readers, you are the judge………
Now Terri has her own way of
recollecting certain events. Me, I
think mine would be closer to the facts. Don't get me wrong. I love her dearly,
but sometimes she leans towards her natural tendencies to be rather sceptical
regarding my motives. Time has now
passed, Terri has now calmed down and upon reflection she might accept my story
as fact. However after 32 years of
marriage I still sense a twinge of doubt.
So in order to set the record straight here is my account (the facts) of
that afternoon.
It was a beautiful day in paradise and
we were riding our bicycles in the tourist area of Sanibel FL. We
were with Charlie and Bonnie from Sonata and the girls were in a shopping
frenzy, albeit more window shopping than the serious variety. They went from store to store as if each one
held the promise of a new found Steinmart which had recently become Terri's
favourite store. Charlie and I had long
since learned our role in this pastime.
We dutifully followed from one store to another, thankful for the odd
store front bench, or a piece of shade.
This was payback that we used to help tip the scales in our favour. Well at least a little less in the girls
favour. I had promised Terri shopping
all down the rivers on this loop. In
all honesty shopping had been scarce since we left home. If I had to tally things up, I would give
the nod to more visits to marine stores like West Marine rather than promised
quality shopping. Terri's new shopping
partner Bonnie just seemed to enhance the experience and helped to create more
of an enjoyable frenzy. I digress yes,
back to the facts and only the facts.
Now as Charlie, Bonnie, Terri and I have
folding bikes on board, Charlie and I compared bikes as would two kids on the
street. I think we were bored, sitting
on store front benches void of shade.
Basically the bikes were very similar except for one thing. Probably the most important thing and the
first thing that will remind you of its design flaw after an afternoon of
riding. You guessed it. Charlie and Bonnie had tractor seats on
their bikes. Down- right John Deere if
only they were green. Charlie and I had
both made a mental note to keep an eye out for a bicycle shop days previous to
this one. You guessed it! We just happened to be across the street
from one. The girls continued to shop
and shop.... Charlie and I looked at the bikes and across the street at the
bike shop. A great plan was born. I will take my bike across the street and
see if they had any John Deere seats. Of
course they did, for only $35 plus tax I could own one. On sale today, a special deal, two for
$70. Sign me up. Now while Charlie and the store owner tackle
my bike modification I ran across the street to retrieve Terri's seat to bring
it back to the bike shop. It seemed easier
to remove the seat than bring the whole bike back with me. I can only ride one bike at a time you
see. What a surprise this would be for
Terri. She and her backside will thank
me. I will be her hero again, maybe. Heck, I might even buy her a bike bell, I am
thinking as I cross the traffic with her bike seat in hand. When I return to the bike shop Charlie and
the store owner are finished with mine and waiting for Terri's seat. They continue with the quick change over and
I search for a suitable bell.
There is a dark cloud in the sky....
Phone rings. I recognize the caller as Terri, my surprise
is spoiled. Fear not I think! For the comfort of the farmer seat will last
long after the feel of surprise has faded.
The cloud overhead thickens, grows and the day light diminishes. Now Terri understands me and my strange
sense of humour like no other. She even appreciates it sometimes, I
think.... so I answer the phone
"Mark's bike shop" silence, Terri is not amused. She is in obvious distress. Somebody stole my bike seat!! No it's OK honey, I have it and I will be
right there.... you have it? Why are
you laughing? It’s not funny. You
should see my legs, the gravel, the blood, the stones, dirt. I'm a mess and all you can do is laugh? There are no clouds. There is just plain darkness at 3pm in the
afternoon. I have really messed up this
time. While I have done nothing wrong
or malicious, it matters not for I must now stand up and face the results. I must be a man and take it like one. But what have I done? For it is definitely a horrible mistake,
misunderstanding. It matters not, I must
hurry to Terri's side, aid her, comfort her!
She needs me. Regardless of the circumstances I must rush to my damsel. For the moat or the tower or.... some other
awful fate awaits her. Quick, my
armour, my sword, my fellow knight (Charlie) we must make haste. To Terri I say....charge. With all the speed we can muster Charlie and
I mount our sturdy horses (bikes) and cross the meadow (road) -to get to the
other side of course. Lol!
I spy Terri and as advertised she is
battered, bruised and bloodied.
Standing there holding her saddle-less steed (bike), blood trickling down
her stone embedded legs. There is no
darkness, nor clouds or even night time, for I shall not explain this one
away. Terri’s and my mind truly work in
wonderfully different ways. I never in
my wildest dreams thought that Terri would mount her bike without a seat. I just imagined she would see that the bike
seat was missing and.....
I have no more to say and as expressed
before I am taking my punishment as a man.
Foot Note: As I write this almost 7
months after the incident I must confess that time indeed does heal and that
Terri has forgiven me, I think. We
still chuckle about this. Also to dear
friends Charlie and Bonnie please understand that in no way shape or form do I
hold you responsible for my actions. I
acted strictly on my own, but boy am I glad you both were there to assist and I
thank you both.
Mark holding up lighthouse
Mark and Terrmar |
Charlie and Sonata
Crash!!!! Thanks Mark!
All is forgiven |
Bonnie & Charlie
Egret eying live bait
Sanibel Clubhouse/Restaurant
House on Sanibel Island |
Road entrance to marina
Tropical estate
Florida Palm trees
Bon-voyage Bonnie & Charlie
Cast off Mark
Pelican guard as we depart |